The voice of WOW players

The voice of WOW players

World of Warcraft Classic is designed to guide players into the final content of the game. The ultimate content of the game is that the user level reaches the full level -60. This is a common situation for players. After all, there have been many loyal fans who have reached level 60 before! That's why I don't want to talk about the beauty of this classic community. This is not because the players in the game are not helpful. Instead, they are very willing to help others, because Blizzard's changes to the game between "vanilla" and "Azeroth" may weaken the game's cohesiveness. But these are the changes that Blizzard made to try and support what many players want. Of course, players also have a voice of opposition. But it is not useful. Every extension of World of Warcraft has dramatically changed the underlying game mechanics.

 MMOWTS Halloween Event
When the cross-server battlefield entered, the social dynamics of World of Warcraft changed (I was on my own commander campaign). When multiple teams entered the battlefield, it all changed. When the LFG and LFR tools were added to the game, I clearly knew that it would never go back. Some people prefer the social dynamics of the "vanilla" game, and today those who fight for Azeroth, if you pay for them to do, they will not return to "vanilla."

I don't know which one is better, but I know that Vanilla's original social model is definitely not perfect. But what I am going to say is. Now is the best time to play World of Warcraft. The game is the best game on a well-configured server, and many people keep pace with you. Now the most attractive thing for players to come to the book is that if you get a lot of World of Warcraft gold at a low price, you are selling WOW gold cheaply on the official website of MMOWTS. Players who need it are advised to prepare in advance.

Classic World is not perfect, but he has won the reputation of early players.

Is there a disadvantage in Classic World? The answer is yes. No game is perfect. Players spend a lot of time running from where Azeroth is running, looking for people to post tasks and task participants. When one person takes notes to another, Retail has some better tasks and better task usability. Being able to find a team in the Dungeon Finder, if you only have a short time to play and want to fight in the dungeon, this will be a godsend. Retail World of Warcraft is more flexible and saves you time. When asked which game I prefer, starting at least 1-20, I will choose classic. This situation may change as we progress.



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